Martina Di R.

Hørelære/Musikteori, jazzvokal, Sang
I am extremely curious about music and caring about my student's needs.

About Martina
Music has always been my passion and it began first through dance. In my teenage years I discovered how much I liked singing thanks to the music and singers I was listening to, so I started taking lessons and I started participating in some contests. After high school I started a bachelor in vocal jazz and I graduated with highest grade.

During my first years as a singer I intensified my live performances, singing in several ensembles from duos to quartets and choirs. I also started writing my first compositions and singing them live and I started teaching through schools and privately. I am currently finishing a master in vocal jazz and I released my first record called Invisible Pathways with my own original music.

About the lessons
My lessons are divided into three essential parts and each of them is important. First we set the mood through breathing and some exercises to relax the body from any unnecessary tension. Then we practice and warm up the voice with specific exercises that aim also to strengthen the ear (a.k.a. ear training), and at last the performance meaning we practice a song that I either suggested or the student chose. A healthy and happy voice lives in a happy body, that is why for me these three steps are essentials.

I believe we can do what we want with our voice as long as we know what we are doing. Each lessons is specifically designed for each person, we are all different and so are our voices, this means that exercises can vary depending on the needs and specifics of one person.

Underviser også hos dig?

Nej, Martina underviser i Langelandsgade, 8000 Aarhus C.


Martina Di R. tilbyder onlineundervisning - virtuelt via Skype, Messenger eller via video.
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Martina Di R. tilbyder videoundervisning og kan lave videoer til dig, der tager udgangspunkt i dit niveau, behov og ønske. Ved videoundervisning vil du typisk som ny elev betale prisen for 60 min. (også selvom videoen typisk vil være kortere), da der er meget forberedelse forbundet med videoproduktionen.
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30 minutter: 235 kr.
45 minutter: 315 kr.
60 minutter: 395 kr.


Vi giver altid en gratis lektion (30 min.) til nye elever, hvis du køber et 10 turs kort eller mere*. Ved 5 ture plus introlektion= 50 pct. rabat på de første 30 minutter af introlektionen. Jo flere lektioner du køber, jo mere rabat.

Enkeltlektioner: ingen rabat
5 ture: indkassering af introrabat.
10 ture: 5 pct. i rabat og introrabat. (*= én gratis lektion)
15 ture: 7 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
20 ture: 8 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
25 ture: 10 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
Sådan! :)
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Skriv til Martina Di R. og kontoret

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Telefonnummeret deles ikke med andre end din underviser, som gerne vil have mulighed for at ringe dig op, når I skal aftale dato.
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Instrument *