Gabriele Di N.

Guitar, Hørelære/Musikteori, Komposition
Competent, motivated and open-minded music teacher.

About Gabriele
My name is Gabriele, and I come from Italy. Music is my life and I’ve been studying and playing it for many years! I posses a Bachelor’s degree in Jazz Composition from the Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia in Rome and I’m currently enrolled in a Master’s degree in Rhythmic Composition at Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium in Aarhus.

I’ve been teaching Guitar and Music Theory/Composition for several years in private schools back in Rome with a focus on Jazz related material regarding both guitar playing and music theory/composition. Alongside my experiences as a teacher I’ve been working as an arranger for private projects or for the conservatory’s needs in Rome, as well as for my own private practice as a composer that has recently seen my works featured in the Jazz Idea Festival in Rome and in the Copenhagen Culture Night 2023.

In 2020 I also had the chance to be enrolled for 1 year at Berklee College of Music in Boston USA after obtaining a scholarship, where I had the opportunity to dive deeper into the American Jazz culture and idiom and to get in contact with different music cultures from all around the world.

About the lessons
When teaching I like to carefully listen to the student’s ambitions and background to help them reach their goals through my teaching. Of course when it comes to Music Theory and Composition there are some knowledge and fixed guidelines to be known and taught, yet I like to focus on how those guidelines can be applied and used for the student’s own practice rather then to just teach them as rules which must be followed: theory and composition become tools for one’s self expression rather than boring mathematics.

When it comes to guitar teaching I apply the same principles and I try to taylor as much as possible of the material to the student’s own style and I like to spend some time on reading and developing the right technique as well. For both music theory/composition and guitar I always try to leave some guided exercises to help the student put into practice the material shown at the lessons.

Underviser også hos dig?

Ja, Gabriele kan også undervise hos eleven, evt. mod et mindre kørselsgebyr (aftales alt efter afstand). Ellers foregår lektionerne på Skejby Vænge, 8200 Aarhus N.


Gabriele Di N. tilbyder onlineundervisning - virtuelt via Skype, Messenger eller via video.
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Gabriele Di N. tilbyder videoundervisning og kan lave videoer til dig, der tager udgangspunkt i dit niveau, behov og ønske. Ved videoundervisning vil du typisk som ny elev betale prisen for 60 min. (også selvom videoen typisk vil være kortere), da der er meget forberedelse forbundet med videoproduktionen.
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30 minutter: 210 kr.
45 minutter: 290 kr.
60 minutter: 370 kr.


Vi giver altid en gratis lektion (30 min.) til nye elever, hvis du køber et 10 turs kort eller mere*. Ved 5 ture plus introlektion= 50 pct. rabat på de første 30 minutter af introlektionen. Jo flere lektioner du køber, jo mere rabat.

Enkeltlektioner: ingen rabat
5 ture: indkassering af introrabat.
10 ture: 5 pct. i rabat og introrabat. (*= én gratis lektion)
15 ture: 7 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
20 ture: 8 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
25 ture: 10 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
Sådan! :)
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Skriv til Gabriele Di N. og kontoret

Dit fulde navn *
E-mail *
Telefonnummeret deles ikke med andre end din underviser, som gerne vil have mulighed for at ringe dig op, når I skal aftale dato.
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Instrument *